Diwali Traditions and Celebrations
Diwali The Festival of Lights Hello, Everyone! Welcome to my Blog There are many different festivals observed in India, which contribute to the country's rich culture. These festivals are often associated with religious and cultural events, these festivals are essential in uniting individuals and celebrating the diverse traditions of the country. Today I am going to write about the festival of lights, Yes It's Diwali, Deepavali! It’s Diwali Time! The air is getting crispier and the evenings are getting lighter. There’s something in the air. The Glow of Tradition: Diwali is a festival of Lights, colors and tradition that brings wonder into our daily lives. Diwali is an emotion that spans generations rather than just a day to the Calendar. The enchanting glow of the candles and diyas and lights that brings every corner of our house draws me in. Not only the warmth is tangible, but also it represents the love, happiness that Diwali offe...